The orthodox church

The Orthodox Church is the original Christian Church, the Church founded by the Lord Jesus Christ and described in the pages of the New Testament. Her history can be traced in unbroken continuity all the way back to Christ and His Twelve Apostles. The Orthodox Church maintains that the Church is the living Body of Jesus Christ.



We are very happy to welcome you to our website. Hopefully, you will leave here with a glimpse of the beautiful community of Holy Taxiarhai & Saint Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church in Niles, Illinois.  Perhaps you will even accept our heartfelt invitation to visit us and witness our warm and deeply spiritual community.  In this site you will find exciting information about our parish including worship services, ministries, schools, youth programs, outreach projects, educational opportunities and retreats. 


Giving to His Church is a way to thank God for His grace and generosity. We are stewards of the Gospel and the stewards of our parish. We see our church, not as it is, but as it could be. We offer our treasure and ourselves sacrificially, so that, as members of the Body of Christ, we may reach our full potential in Him. 

We hope that you will join our Holy Taxiarhai and Saint Haralambos family in renewing the world around us through God’s loving grace. 


Our parish is always blessed with new and exciting events, some of which are highlighted below for your convenience. For a full listing of our parish events please visit the various sections of this website or our parish calendar. 

Schedule an appointment/Confession with Fr. Tilemahos

  • College care packages

    We want to cheer on our college students during finals! To ensure your student receives a care package, please fill out the form at the link below by March 24.

  • Join us Wednesdays during Great Lent


    6:00pm | Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 7:30pm | Discussion and Lenten Dinner

    Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | Wednesday, April 2, 2025

  • chess club

    Meetings Wednesdays 7:30pm-8:30pm | Next Meeting 3/26/25

    Ages K-12, K-5 Must have a parent present

  • packing meals for the homeless

    Join us Saturday, March 29th, 2025 from 9:00am - 12:00pm

    Volunteers needed to help assemble sandwiches and pack lunches.

    Donations to Saint Haralambos Outreach Ministry are welcome

    Location: St. Haralambos Gymnasium

  • little angels

    Toddlers ages 6 months - 3 years are welcome to play while parents get to know one another!

    Next meeting: Saturday, March 29th | 10:30am - 12:00pm (NEW TIME)

    Toddlers are invited to enjoy free play with their Orthodox friends. Group activities will include Prayer, Fellowship, Orthodox Story Time, Greek Sing-Alongs, Snacks, and Art Projects. All are welcome!

  • archangels bookstore book club

    Helping inspire your child's love for both their Orthodox faith and reading, while building classroom libraries they'll be excited to explore.

    Proceeds from book sales will be directed toward building and enhancing Aristotle classroom libraries

  • spring bake sale

    Saint Haralambos Philoptochos invites you to their Easter Bake Sale & Luncheon

    Wednesday, April 9th | 9:00am to 8:00pm
    Lunch will be served between 11:30am and 4:00pm
    Lambathes and Easter Baskets will be available for purchase
  • saturday of lazaros retreat

    April 12th, 2025 |8:30am - 12:30pm

    Orthros & Divine Liturgy Followed by a Lenten meal.

    Activities will include Holy Week crafts, making palm crosses and decorating the church for Palm Sunday

  • palm sunday luncheon

    The Afternoon Greek School PTA invites you to our Palm Sunday Luncheon

    Sunday April 13th, 2025 immediately following Divine Liturgy

    Cod fish meal served with beets, skordalia, peas & artichokes, bread, halva, and a Lenten cookie $35

    Pasta meal served with marinara sauce, bread and a Lenten cookie $10

    Sold Separately: beets (16 ounce) .........................$8

    Peas & artichokes (16 ounce) ..................................$8

    Skordalia (12 ounce) .................................................$5

  • holy friday family retreat

    Friday, April 18th, 2025 | 1:00pm - 3:-00pm

    Egg Wrapping | Light Lunch | Mini Lessons | Crafts

  • youth ministry sleepover

    Join the Youth Ministries for a Sleepover at Church. All youth and their parents are invited to join us.

    Friday, April 25th 7:00pm - 8:00am

    Crafts | Movie | Dinner | Fellowship | Fun


    Open House February 24-28

    To schedule a tour please call 847-647-8880 or email

  • 2025 Stewardship

    Have you become a 2025 Steward? Renew your membership or become a member today.

    View our Parish Ministry and Stewardship Guide


Our parish life at Holy Taxiarhai & St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church is built upon four pillars of Worship, Education, Fellowship, and Philanthropy. We invite you to explore our website and find out more about our parish life and ministries. 

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